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Yoga Tips To Ease Yourself Into Spring

Towards winter's end, the chilly winds slowly abate, snowfalls become less frequent, and you begin to see the first signs of spring's bloom and glow. Spring is a time for new beginnings, a time that often ushers in a significant change to your daily routine. So, as you'd expect, the seasonal change means a lot for your yoga practice.

How does the body's natural rhythm change with the seasons?

The change in season and weather conditions affects the normal functioning of the human body. Research has shown that how our body systems work often changes with the seasons. Coming out of winter into the bloom and brightness of spring signals a shaking off of stiffness, and a reverting to total body rejuvenation.

Since the weather conditions affect how we function, it is only normal to prepare your body for the next season. What better way to improve your physical and spiritual well-being this spring than to register for yoga classes at Shift Yoga Studio?

Embracing spring in your yoga exercises

Spring is here, but is spring in your yoga practice? Here are some tips to help you embrace spring in your yoga practice.

Practice outside

Winter has phased out, and spring is here. It is warmer outside and a great way to embrace the feel of the new season is to practice yoga outdoors. Your yoga practice can be done in your backyard or a park. Practicing outside is the perfect way to connect and be in tune with nature.

Detoxify yourself

Springtime is the perfect time for deep cleaning, and while most assume this only applies to your home, it is not entirely true. It is ideal to do some gut cleansing to rid your body of all the unhealthy indulgence during the winter that may slow you down or obstruct your flexibility.

Keep it fresh

Springtime is a period to start afresh and try new things. Try out new poses and routines, especially the yoga poses you haven't done before. If you love fresh juice and fruit, you are in luck, as this is the perfect time to incorporate fresh fruits into your everyday meal. Let every yoga session or class be seen as a fresh start.

Change your eating habit

There are meals suitable for every season, and springtime is no exception. Opt for less oily food and more vegetables and fresh fruits for an energy boost.

Spring cleanse your body, mind, and soul for total rejuvenation

As we transition into the freshness of spring, now is the time to shake off winter's staleness and stiffness and bring your body, mind, and soul into full sync with everything spring has to offer. And what better place to make that happen than at Shift Yoga Studio? Join our virtual or in-person classes to gradually ease into spring and embrace the beauty and vitality of the season. Book an appointment today!

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