Myofascial Release
A Self Care Experience of Epic Proportions
Our innovative class Deep Release, is a registered trademark system of Self Care for the Body & Mind, created by our owner to teach everyone how to take agency over their own well-being. It is a blend of Self Myofascial Release meets Mindfulness practice for a deeply nourishing experience you can only get here at SHIFT YOGA.
What is Myofascial Release?
We are huge advocates of Self Myofascial Release. This powerful Self Care practice involves using assorted therapy tools to be your own massage therapist. We apply gentle pressure to the body to unlock muscle tension, promote healing, reduce inflammation, improve range of motion and rehydrate the tissues. This allows us to move with more ease and freedom in our daily lives.
At SHIFT, we offer an innovative approach to this wonderful practice of body work. Guided by science, we have created a class called Deep Release, which is our Trademark system, incorporating Mindfulness Practice into the body work experience of Self Myofascial Release. This allows for more ease to be integrated into our Body & Mind, bringing us back into a deep state of well-being and trains the frontal cortex of our brain to be able to better regulate our system during times of stress.
Some of the amazing benefits of Self Myofascial Release
Reduces the effects of stress on our bodies
Improves body efficiency
Restores muscular imbalances
Reduces Inflammation
Soothes the nervous system
Promotes lymphatic system renewal
Increases joint range of motion
Promotes muscular relaxation, reducing tension
Reduces muscles soreness and improves recovery and healing
Reduces pain and trigger point sensitivity
Increases body awareness and improves balance
Don't live locally?
You can enjoy our Deep Release classes with us every week live on zoom
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Deep Release Class Below
Deep Relese Class Schedule
Dec 11 - Dec 17